European Regional Development Fund
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2 Seas area

2 Seas or Two Seas area: From the Isles of Scilly to Norfolk in England and from Somme to Texel on the continental side, the Interreg 2 Seas area covers both rural and urban territories. It represents the following areas 

England - South-West, South-East and East of England

France - Departments of Nord, Pas de Calais, Somme and Aisne

Belgium (Flanders) - Provinces of West-Flanders, East-Flanders and Antwerp

The Netherlands - Province of Zeeland and the coastal areas of the Provinces of Zuid-Holland, Noord-Holland and Noord-Brabant.

Erosion losses

Erosion losses: the amount of land (in the form of sediment and sand taken by the sea) that is lost due to coastal erosion. 15 km2 of loss each year may not sound like so much across the four countries, but this is a loss of an area as big as over 2800 football fields. If this were to continue year after year without intervention, enormous amounts of land would be lost.


Ecosystem: a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.


Biodiversity: A term used to describe the biological variety of life on Earth.  When an ecosystem is high in biodiversity, it means many different kinds of plants and animals live there. Climate change threatens biodiversity, leading to a decline in nature and even to extinction of species.

Durable Ecosystem-based Methods

Durable ecosystem-based methods: another term for soft solutions to the effects of climate change is nature-based or ecosystem-based solutions. These terms refer to the fact that these measures employ the way an ecosystem functions naturally as part of policies against flooding. The durability of these measures means that they have a lasting effect in the long term without becoming too expensive or labour-intensive.


Stakeholder(s): this term refers to any party (be it an organisation, company, government) who has something to benefit from the project. 

Hard engineering interventions

‘Hard’ engineering interventions rely on man-made structures such as concrete seawalls as the primary policy against flooding.